- 11 Acre site with 7 acres used for sport with an 1143m nature trail surrounding the site.
- Public Access Difibrillator (PAD)
- Club Room - Licensed for 150 with 3 large screen TV's for Sky & BT sport
- Fully kitted out kitchen
- Additional patio seating - 9 Tables
- Meeting room/Snug
- Car Park for approx. 85 cars. Alternate parking is available at Grande Rocques & Port Soif beach car parks. We are the no. 41 bus route. Bus stop outside the club entrance.
- Cycle rack space for 24 bikes.
- 4 x Changing Rooms with showers
- 1 x Officials changing room with shower
- Main club toilets for Ladies/Gents & Disabled users
- Football Kit room inc. washing machines.
- Ladies & Gents players toilets
- 3 Large garages housing
- Archery Store
- Grounds equipment including tractor/ride on mower etc.
- Cricket store and football stores
- 2 x full size football pitches
- No 1 pitch in front of clubhouse.
- No 2 with 9 aside pitch marked within
- Training pitch with floodlights
- Archery Range - 100m with full width archery shelter
- Artificial cricket wicket (Grass cricket square currently not in use).
- 2 x Cricket nets
- Separate score box - electronic scoreboard used for Cricket & Football
- Designated Emergency Helicopter landing site for the west coast.
- Home to a clothes recycling bank which can be found in our car park.